Sunday, December 14, 2008

Quilter's ADD

I have a confession.....I have Quilter's ADD. After finishing the Moroccan Spice blocks today, I cleaned up the sewing room a preparation of "the sewing room" pictures I'll be taking at the end of this month. Rather than sewing the Moroccan Spice blocks into a top, I decided to make pinwheels for Heritage! The HSTs and background fabric have been sitting out patiently waiting for me to work on them again. This was bugging me so I decided to get back to it this week. I do hope to get Moroccan Spice blocks sewn together this week also. I'll post a picture of it when it's done.

On another note, all that snow we got on Tuesday is now history. Yesterday the temps hit the mid-30s and it also has been raining off and on. So we now can see some grass peaking out in places and the snowmen are fading fast. Tonight the temps are suppose to drop dramatically. Yuck! I'd much rather have snow than ice.

1 comment:

Passionate Quilter said...

man-that is something I seem to have as well then..Quilters ADD..I get sidetracked SO easy! but it's the spice of life.. :)
Merry Christmas!