Friday, December 19, 2008

Deja Vu

Snowstorm Dawn blew in overnight and is still going strong. Overnight we probably got 4-5 inches and we're expected to get 3-6 more during the day. Luckily I worked extra hours earlier in the week so I didn't have to use a full day of vacation. I hope we don't get a lot more of these storms or I'll be out of vacation by the time spring comes!

I haven't gotten much accomplished this week because I have been battling a cold. In between resting and work, I have been sewing pinwheel tops and bottoms (for Heritage) here and there. This morning I finished sewing them and maybe later will work on making them into blocks. I also plan on sewing the Moroccan Spice blocks together either today or tomorrow.

Stay safe and warm!

1 comment:

Lady Beekeeper said...

Stay warm, Amy. You are a stronger woman than I am! I looked at your weather report and went upstairs to turn on my electric blanket.