Sunday, April 12, 2009

Nature's Chorus Shoebox & Visitors

Here is the current status of Nature's Chorus Shoebox. The blocks are sewn into vertical rows (or columns if you like). I see I didn't do the best job spreading alike fabric out. Oh well. When I get done with this top, I'll start on Double Dip of Mint Chocolate which I was suppose to have started before this one. I knew this would go together quickly, and I wanted to be able to report a bigger bust this week.....with the quilt show coming up and all. One of these days I'm going to have to do a quilting marathon because the tops are really starting to add up.

Yesterday afternoon I heard Gooser honking at something, which usually means the duck is flying around or someone/thing is in the yard. I looked around to see where she was. This is what I found. The duck must have made some friends when he goes off flying. A pair of mallards came to visit and say "Hi".

Afterwards hubby filled up her pool with fresh water. She had a blast cleaning herself, flipping out splashing water on herself. As if the bath wasn't good enough, she also loved seeing the fresh grass that was growing up underneath where the pool had been. As you can tell, the grass still isn't green here.

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