Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 8/16 To-Do List - Mid-Week Update

Well, it looks like I have my work cut out for me the rest of the week.  Monday I was beat and ended up falling asleep on the couch around 6:30 already, so nothing was accomplished.  Luckily I'm off tomorrow, and I plan on doing lots of sewing!
  • Start hand sewing binding on to Fall Back in Time - half of a long side is done.
  • Finish at least 2 more flying geese sets (Step 4) for Washington Medallion BOM
  • Piece borders for Sweet Summertime Sweet Summertime is now a flimsie.
  • Knit 3 more repeats on Caramello - knit 1 row of a repeat (each repeat is 4 rows).
  • Quilt table topper
  • Hair cut and badly needed coloring Tuesday
  • Pick up dog food
  • Cut dogs' nails and trim paws - Riley is done but squirmy Sonny still has to be done.
  • Ongoing - Work on piecing backings to use up some stash
  • Ongoing - Work on sorting/cutting scraps (currently 2 medium sized bins and grocery bag)
  • Ongoing - Enter data into family tree database and organize hard copies


Gina said...

I'm sure you'll get loads done. You obviously needed the rest otherwise you wouldn't have napped. Take care of yourself

Love and hugs Gina xxx

Darling Jill Quilts said...

You are doing good!!1 Now, just get something done today while you are off! ;)