Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Looking Ahead to 2015

I have to admit I'm not looking that forward to 2015 as it will bring a lot of change. My office is closing and the employees have the choice of transferring to our Green Bay or Milwaukee offices. This will double my commute time each day. Also the contract where my husband works is coming due in the fall, and the last time there was almost a strike. That being said, I choose to believe that whatever happens is supposed to happen and have faith that together, hubby and I will deal with whatever comes our way.

First and foremost, I need to take care of my health.  Up until this year, I had been doing really well with my weight and eating. With the work stress, everything I worked so hard for the last 6 years went out the window. I need to get exercise a) to lose weight, b) get back to a regular sleep schedule, and c) help blow off some of the stress from work. Also I need to cut out soda, reduce the sweets intake, and reduce my meal portion sizes.

Stash Down - At the beginning of this year I went 90 days without buying yarn. The middle of the year went OK, but the last 4 months I went crazy. I'm not going to say I can't buy any new yarn because that will lead to a yarn binge. I would like to use more than I purchase. To use some of the yarns I've never used before I am going to try knitting with a different (stashed) yarn/brand every other project. So I can't knit more than two projects in a row with the same yarn. Even though I have a ton of sweaters I want to knit, I'm thinking there will be more hat and scarf projects this year (at least for the beginning of the year).

Less computer time. Get off the computer and do. Limit my Ravelry time to an hour or less each day.

Let it Go. Surround myself with people who want to be around me, rather than trying to find ways to keep those who don't want to be around.

There may be more items that come up along the way, but these are my main focus items.

1 comment:

Regina said...

Oh wow -lots of changes. Double the commute time? How long is your commute now? I am lucky that Hubby and I have been able to carpool more or less for the past 10 years, and now with his new job, we are working at the same University so we've shortened up our commute time a bit. I hope all the changes are positive ones -and can't wait to see what you make with all that stash!