Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Goodbye 2019!

I had hoped to blog more throughout the year, but I guess that didn't happen since my last post was January 6.  :0(

I didn't get a lot of knitting done this year.  I completed 10 projects (5 hats, 3 shawls and 2 cowls).  I cut my ESK yarnathon purchases in half this year compared to last year.  I was on Team Elephelt which ended up in 2nd place.  Elliot and Eleanor (an elephant version of Flat Stanley) visited multiple team members during the year.  Elliot came to visit me which was fun.

In June, my mother-in-law found out she had breast cancer.  Three weeks after, my father-in-law found out he had lymphoma.  My MIL started chemo but her cocktail was too strong and after the 4th round, they had to stop because she was so sick and weak. On Dec. 13, she had a double mastectomy which went very good. The chemo damaged one of the valves in her heart so she will need surgery on that once she gets stronger.  My FIL has completed chemo without any side effects and now we are waiting for his PET scan in the new year.  He will need a pacemaker at some point in 2020 also.

September we received a letter from our insurance company that they were doing a drive-by inspection.  The report came back that we need to fix the roof.  There were some missing shingles from storms. We had already figured we'd have to replace the roof, so we had to scramble to have my brother-in-law replace the roof before our renewal in November.  We had thought about a metal roof but two realtors said it would hurt the aesthetics, so we went with dimensional shingles.  We also need to put a deck on the back, but that will have to wait until next year.  Until then we blocked off the patio door so no one could accidentally open it and fall out.

Wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy 2020!

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