Saturday, March 27, 2010

Easy Breezy & Birdseye Update

Did you know that it's a quiltathon weekend?!!?  I've been a little busy with family things as my FIL was released from rehab yesterday.  He had double knee replacement surgery.  The first week was pretty rough for him.  They pushed him pretty hard during rehab but because they did, he got to come home a week earlier than he expected.  He's happy to be home and to see his buddy, Jesse, his yellow lab.  We took her to the rehab center but it just wasn't the same as being home.

I did get some sewing time in this morning.  Slowly but surely I'm making progress on Birdseye.  Since the main colors for the stars will be blue or green w/tan, I decided to use black for the 9 patches that go in the middle of the stars.  The 9 patches that go in the sashing will have blue or green.  The 25 black 9 patches (not all shown here) are completed.  Only 90-something more to go!

I've also reached the halfway point (and surpassed it) on Easy Breezy sweater.  The white markers show the halfway point.  The sweater will be a big rectangle when I knit the last row.  Then it's just a matter of sewing the sides together.

1 comment:

Darling Jill Quilts said...

You are doing great this weekend!! I feel like it's a quiltathon for me, too!!

Way to go on your sweater!!!